Saturday, October 9, 2010

MONSTER MASH, made by Julie on Sept. 30, 2010. Outlines and edges done with Slick Paint, and all areas filled in with seed beads and coated with varnish. Done on illustration board ATC cards. Sent all 4 cards to Soulbrush, whom I just had the idea I wanted to do that she is making me some monster cards too! Yeah! Hehehe...


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Your atcs are amazing Julie. A great format for you. I find the size intimidating. I struggle making them. Ha.. I should do it more often maybe. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute!
The seed beads sound like they would take alot of patience.
They turned out great!

vandana rajesh said...

These cards look so cute, very nice work indeed and really inspiring.

Maria Glazacheva said...

Ils ont enpeu mignon votre animaux!! :O) J`adore!!
Bonne journee!!
xxx Maria xxx

Uniquely Ella said...

So glad you found me through Bobbie Lynn's blog. SO happy that you live in south Fla. Going to get me some miniature Roses too. I too love Atcs, we must do a swap. Are You on Facebook? Send me a friend request: Marlene Plasencia.